Our Services
Legislative Services
- Monitoring Legislation
- Introducing Legislation
- Testifying for and against Legislation
- Lobbying members of the Legislature
- Attendance at various committee hearings
- Maintaining and administration of the TSAFF PAC Fund (TAFPAC)
- Providing updates on legislative activities via newsletters and email to all affiliates
Services Provided to Locals
- Collective Bargaining Assistance
- Contract Data Base Information
- Assistance with Grievances and Disputes
- Education of Union Leadership through Seminars and Conferences
- Assistance with Health and Safety Issues
- Assistance with Public Relations
- Assistance with EMS related issues
- Research and distribution of customized information
- Emergency Defense Funds
- Assistance with everyday issues and problems
Means of Communication
- Quarterly Newsletter to all affiliate stations
- Web Site (www.tsaff.org)
- Regular mailings to all locals
- Telephone Contacts
- Conferences and Seminars
- New member education packet
- Providing updates on legislative activities via newsletters and email to all affiliates
Member Benefits and Promotions
- Various Charitable Contributions on behalf of all members
- Public Relation items such as shirts, hats, decals, license plates
Representation on State/Federal Level Organizations and Committees
- Texas State AFL-CIO
- Central Labor Body Organizations
- State-wide Health and Safety Committees
- State-wide EMS Committees
- Texas Fire Coalitions
- IAFF Conferences and Conventions
- Federation of State/Provincial Fire Fighters
- NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)
- Many, many others…